10th International Lymphoedema Framework Conference

The 10th International Lymphoedema Framework Conference, organized together with the Danish Wound Healing Society (DWHS), will take place from 18 to 20 November 2021 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
This conference is aiming to bring the international lymphoedema community as well as the Danish wound healing community together while offering interactive conferences. A strong focus will be placed on the national frameworks to highlight ILF’s collaborative work on international research projects and studies, such as genital oedema or lipedema management.
It will bring together clinicians, researchers, industry providers, healthcare providers, advocacy groups and patients, with the goal of sharing knowledge and furthering lymphology for the benefit of all those affected by lymphoedema and related disorders. A special Patient Day will also be held on November 20.
At Thuasne group, in everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe that we must think differently. Our way of challenging the status quo is to manufacture our solutions by ensuring that they are efficient (1,2), medically proven (2,3), easy to use (1) and comfortable (2,4).
As sponsor of the ILF for multiple years, we will participate to the ILF Conference to present our wide range of solutions to treat wisely chronic edemas patients.
We look forward to meet you in Copenhagen on our booth #23!
(1) Please refer to the internal CE data
(2) Mestre – Interest of an auto-adjustable night-time compression sleeve (MOBIDERM Autofit) in maintenance phase of upper limb lymphedema: the MARILYN pilot RCT – Support Care Cancer (25:2455-2462) –2017 – Page 6 & 7
(3) Todd – Mobiderm Autofit: an adjustable sleeve that enables patients to self-manage lymphedema – Chronic edema – April 2018 POLIT – Prospective multicentre observational study of lymphedema therapy: POLIT study – Pr Quéré – Journal des maladies Vasculaires –2014
(4) Lymphatrex Expert: ETN 280 -Dossier Textile Polyamide – July Aug2017 – Page 1