Bastien, trade product buyer, based in Hô Chi Minh-City, looks back over his career

Bastien, trade product buyer, based in Hô Chi Minh-City in Vietnam for more than 2 years, looks back over his career.
Can you tell us about your experience?
At the end of my management course at the EM Lyon Business School, I joined Thuasne on an international volunteering contract, based in Vietnam, as buyer. It got off to a turbulent start as when I arrived in the Group the Covid-19 pandemic had started and the Vietnamese borders were closed! So I was forced to remain in France during which time I was able to further my knowledge of our business, to meet the teams and conduct research into manufacturers in Vietnam and neighbouring areas.
The country opened its borders again in October 2020. It was time to leave to embark on my international volunteering contract. I contributed to trade product purchasing projects over two years during which I learnt a lot and met many people. I furthered my technical, communication and multicultural skills while learning to work standing on my own two feet in a new country I was just getting to know. Then, Thuasne offered me the opportunity to continue my work on a local contract.
Which position do you hold today?
I am currently working as trade product buyer which involves managing relations with Asian suppliers. Being in Vietnam means I can intervene at all steps of the purchasing process, from the factory visit before working with a new manufacturer, through monitoring and support during the development of prototypes, to production quality control.
My work also consists in identifying partners to evaluate projects, in providing the relevant elements for decisions during manufacture and ensuring economic watch.
What else are you passionate about outside your work?
I have been an avid music fan since I was very young. I like to discover and learn to play different instruments, such as the guitar, bass, drums and piano. Sport also plays an important role in my daily life, in particular muscle development exercises which contribute greatly to my well-being. I am therefore also interested in nutrition and biomechanics. Lastly, I like to travel and learn about the culture and gastronomy in the countries I visit.
What do you expect from Thuasne in the years to come?
I would like for Thuasne to continue to showcase its know-how and expertise for products with high added value, and for it to extend its distribution network. I would very much like to participate by continuing my work and by furthering my technical, interpersonal, cultural and linguistic skills as I go on
A last message to conclude this interview?
I would like to thank the employees with whom I worked on a daily basis for their kindness. I am also grateful for the opportunity Thuasne has given me and their trust in me.