Stéphanie Merer, head of key hospital accounts, looks back at her experience at Thuasne®. "I don't like routine and at Thuasne® I never get bored"

What did you do before you began working for Thuasne®?
I started out studying for an advanced technician's diploma in dietetics, but after a few work placements I realised that the routine that came with the work of a dietician was not for me. So I began studying for a degree in sales and marketing on a vocational sandwich course and I was lucky enough to join Lactalis Nutrition Santé (infant and clinical nutrition products). I was immediately enthralled with the sales side of my work with pharmacies. I then worked as a hospital representative selling infant formula and nutritional supplements to paediatricians, doctors and dieticians in the Pays de la Loire region for 10 years. After my maternity leave, routine caught up with me again and at the same time I needed a change. I found out about the Thuasne® Group at a conference and so I said to myself maybe I can still work in the healthcare world but just change the area. This got me out of my comfort zone and enabled me to improve my technical skills. Change within continuity in a way as I discovered that Thuasne® was another French, family-run and friendly group.
What job do you do today?
I was a pharmaceutical sales representative for 5 years, working with general practitioners, until my current position of head of key hospital accounts was created. I naturally applied for it and I am pleased to say I got it in September 2022. I am very proud to be rising to this challenge today and to be working with the strategic and operational marketing teams, the sales division or even the digital division, and to be developing a sector that is less well known than that of pharmacies at Thuasne®. Working in Laval, I contribute to the development of the Thuasne® hospital strategy with the unit based in Saint-Etienne, and I meet with buyers for hospitals belonging to regional and national groups to prepare and follow-up on calls for tenders.
I was lucky enough to get an internal transfer within the Group and I am very grateful for that. It is a welcoming and highly united company. For example, human resources offered me training prior to taking up my position and it is this considerate follow-up that I like. Even being based in Laval I never feel lonely. And it is also gratifying to work on innovative, reputed products in the healthcare sector.
I am originally from Mayenne and I still live there. It is a nice place to live and my family and friends are nearby. My roots are very important to me and I spend a lot of time with my two boys and my husband. We like to travel around France and we go to the coast regularly. When the good weather returns I like walking and trail running.